54.5- Walk Hard (ft The Gilmore Guys)

We're taking it back to the classics of Buddy Holly, Elvis, presley, The Beatles, but most importantly, Dewey Cox in Walk hard: The Dewey Cox Story.  It's the next logical step for you listeners, even if you don't have a sense of smell!  Why does this movie work so well on its own?  What's the deal with all this music?  Anybody know what Jenna Fischer's up to lately? Well, besides Steven?  It's a big ol' TSTV reunion. Or is it? We've all known each other for years, but this might be the first time Steven, Michael, Demi, and Kevin are actually in the same room at the same time.

Joining us this week are Demi Adejuyigbe and Kevin Porter, AKA the Gilmore Guys!  They're famous for their Gilmore Girls review podcast and we're pumped to have them on the show!  They took a step away from Stars Hollow to bring Walk Hard to the table.  I gotta say, if you listen to this podcast for anything, it's gotta be the impromptu song.  EASILY our best challenge yet.

We'd love to hear from you! Email us about our picks at fuarock@gmail.com.

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Follow us individually on Twitter:

Steven: @StevenZurita

Michael: @TouchButtPro

And check out our guest for this episode:

Gilmore Guys Podcast

Demi: @Electrolemon

Kevin: @KevinTPorter

You know what? I (Steven) think everyone should know what Jenna Fischer's up to. Help me like all her Instagram posts:

Jenna Fischer's Instagram