53.5- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ft. Emii)

We couldn't get our fill of martial arts with Kill Bill, so Emii's back with a radical look back on the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! This one's a big deal for Emii, it's the reason she's a martial artist! If you don't believe how big of a Turtle fan she is, she's been in a TMNT shirt EVERY time Steven's seen her. So how does this old movie hold up to the franchise? Where does it lie in the for kids and for adults spectrum? This is one of those franchises everyone's bumped into at some point, so if you've somehow missed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over the last 3 decades, allow us to bring you out from under the rock! Or sewers? Oh, and grab some pizza, dude.

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And check out our guest for this episode:

Emii: @EmiiMusic